Hardwood Floor Refinishing Professionals in Massapequa, Nassau, Queens and Suffolk County, NY

Do you offer free estimates and consultations?

Yes, our team offers free estimates and consultations to all our potential clients. We understand that every project is different and has unique requirements. We can assess your needs by offering a free estimate and consultation and providing you with a detailed quote.

Do you provide wood floor resurfacing services?

Yes, we do. In addition to hardwood floor sanding and installation, our team also offers wood floor resurfacing services. We can make your old, worn-out floors look like new again.

What maintenance is needed for hardwood floors?

To keep your hardwood floors looking their best, it is important to sweep or vacuum them regularly to remove dirt and debris. You should also mop them occasionally with a mild cleanser and avoid using harsh cleaners or abrasive scrubbers, as these can damage the finish of your floors.

What are the benefits of hardwood floors?

Hardwood floors have many benefits, including their beauty, durability, and easy maintenance. Hardwood floors add value to your home and can last for generations with proper care. They are also easy to keep clean and are hypoallergenic, making them a good choice for homes with allergies.

What is the cost of hiring the best flooring instarllers?

The cost depends on several factors, including the size of your project and the flooring you choose. Hardwood floors are generally more expensive than other types of flooring, but they are worth the investment. The best way to get an accurate estimate is to contact Richie’s floor Service Inc.

Call Today For a Free Estimate & Consultation

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